Thursday, June 30, 2016


General Robert H. Barrow became the 27th Commandant of the Marine Corps replacing the retiring General Louis H. Wilson, Jr. Both Barrow and Wilson were renown legends in Marine Corps history.
General Wilson, the 26th Commandant, retired after 38 years of service. The then-Captain Wilson was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his actions during World War II's Battle of Guam. Additionally, he had been awarded 2 Defense Distinguished Service Medals, 3 Legions of Merit and 3 Purple Hearts.
General Barrow would serve as Commandant until his retirement in 1983. Barrow served in World War II as a member of a U.S. guerrilla team fighting the Japanese in China. He would receive the Navy Cross for heroism during the Korean War's Chosin Reservoir Campaign. In 1969, the then-Colonel Barrow would command U.S. forces during "Operation Dewey Canyon", the most-successful ground operation of the Vietnam Conflict. He was considered by many to be one of the finest Commandant's in history.

The 26th and 27th Commandants of the Marine Corps

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