Tuesday, July 12, 2016


Sgt Alexander Foley was one of four Marines to earn the Medal of Honor on 13 July 1900.
U.S. Marines in China, 1900


An allied force of 5,500 troops attacked and seized the old, walled, Boxer-controlled section of Tientsin, China. The allied force was comprised of American, British and Russian marines and soldiers.
The American brigade was commanded by Colonel Robert L. Meade, USMC. U.S. forces included the 1st Marine Regiment, a Marine artillery battery and two battalions of the U.S. Army's 9th Infantry Regiment.
Four Marines; Private James Cooney, Sergeant Alexander Foley, Private Clarence Mathias, and Sergeant Clarence Sutton, received Congressional Medals of Honor for their actions during battle. Their citations read as follows:
In the presence of the enemy during the battle near Tientsin, China, 13 July 1900, Cooney distinguished himself by meritorious conduct.
In the presence of the enemy in the battle near Tientsin, China, July 13, 1900, Foley distinguished himself by meritorious conduct.
In the presence of the enemy during the advance on Tientsin, China, 13 July 1900, Mathias distinguished himself by meritorious conduct.
In action during the battle near Tientsin, China, 13 July 1900. Although under heavy fire from the enemy, Sutton assisted in carrying a wounded officer from the field of battle.

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